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VoiceType* Version 3.0 by:

1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Tel:  800-IBM-CALL
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Tool: VoiceType* Version 3.0
Category: Engines/Viewers/SDKs: Speech
IBM is a leading provider of speech recognition applications and developer’s toolkits. On June 11, IBM announced VoiceType 3.0 for Windows 95. This speech recognition product includes the following product lines: VoiceType Control 3.0, VoiceType Dictation 3.0, Voicetype Simply Speaking, VoiceType Dictation 3.0 Vocabularies and VoiceType Developer’s ToolKit 3.0. The VoiceType 3.0 products include support for OS/2, Windows 3.X, Windows 95, and VoiceType Connection for Netscape 3

VoiceType Dictation uses proven technology based on more than two decades of natural text-to-speech IBM experience. VoiceType 3.0 provides a major improvement in how you work with your computer.

VoiceType 3.0 for Windows is a highly-accurate, large-vocabulary speech recognition program that converts speech to text. In many cases it can recognize words that are run together, slurred, or partially obscured by background noise. The product includes a language model that understands common word-pattern usage.

VoiceType 3.0 includes a general office vocabulary. IBM has optimized the size of the vocabulary for performance and accuracy. This optimization, in combination with the language model, results in very high accuracy and fast speech recognition rate.

VoiceType 3.0 allows the user to input data into the computer even when users are required to use their hands and eyes for other tasks. Hands are not required to operate the keyboard, and eyes are not required to monitor the text being entered. Any correction required can be performed later or can be delegated to another user.

Key Pentium® II processor features/performance benefit
Features Benefits
Faster processing and parsing of voice input MMX technology provides for faster search and processing capabilities. This provides the user with a faster and more natural interaction with the PC application.

IBM expects a 10-20% increase in application performance. This extra performance enables the following application possibilities:

  • More computationally intensive applications can run concurrently with the voice recognition application.
  • Enables the use of speech within games and education titles without sacrificing graphics & video playback quality.
  • Audio cancellation and phase array microphones become more feasible at lower price points, which enables the use of untethered microphones and the ability to move about a room while interacting with application.
Product and Contact Information
Availability of Product Contact
Available today Jon A. Gibbons or Paul Squittori
WorldWide Speech Alliance Management
561-615-4652 or 561-615-4738

26 August 1997

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